September 14th, 2024:

A cartoon villainous wolf walking towards the viewer. Its eyes are glowing green, and it has a scar on its eye. There is also blood coating their claws, mouth, and nose. The same wolf in a semi-realistic style, with a storm approaching from the right side of the drawing.
A cartoon villainous wolf walking towards the viewer. Its eyes are glowing green, and it has a scar on its eye. There is also blood coating their claws, mouth, and nose. Then the same wolf in a semi-realistic style, with a storm approaching from the right side of the drawing.

Wow happy 10 years to my crappy art! I've been thinking back to the art I made when I was a tween and I remember feeling such a dissapointing feeling. When I looked over my old art, and saw the same type of, what "quirks" one could say. The way I draw the fur, the way I hesitate with composition and still clearly use my wrist to draw. I look back at all 10 years and wonder if I've wasted my time. I hate that I didn't see the improvment I wanted, but considering I never really studied forms or did any serious work. I can't be angry that my art didn't turn out amazing if I never put in the work in the first place.
As of now I've been thinking about what my art means to me, if it means anything to me--or if it meant anything at all. I appreciate the craft, and I love drawing--making art in general. While I'm not too sure if it's art-block or even brain fog, I just feel--enui when creating. A sense of boredom and unpleasentness just completely taking over and it makes me want to stop drawing entirely. But then I always come back. I know that when art-block hits you, the best thing anyone can do is to take a break and relax. My fear is that if I'm not doing the one thing I revolved my whole world around--the one thing I've made my personality (in a way). That if I stopped drawing one day--I have this nagging fear that maybe I won't come back. That my collection of pens and paint brushes will collect dust. That my unused sketchbooks will be left blank for who knows how long. That maybe I'll never return or even think about drawing ever again. Or worse--that I want to return but find myself too scared to start again. To pick up a pencil and just go. After years of just drawing after drawing after drawing. That I will lose my ability to make art. That I would have to teach myself again, I think to that and I just feel exhausted and defeated. In the end, I hold on to the hope that I can take a little break without my world falling apart. Because I look at the difference between those two drawings up there, and feel a bit of pride :)


May 28th, 2024:

A digital drawing of Pearl and Rose Quartz from Steven Universe standing on a grassy hill about to hold hands. Rose Quartz is gazing at Pearl, blushing-while Pearl has her head bowed.
A digital drawing of Pearl and Rose Quartz from Steven Universe standing on a grassy hill about to hold hands. Rose Quartz is gazing at Pearl, blushing-while Pearl has her head bowed.

This was a concept I wanted to bring to life, one day I was looking at a bunch of paintings, scouring for ideas--when I looked at a couple of Monet's paintings and I went "Huh, I wanna try that." And so this painting was made--and then abandoned, and then continued--and abandoned--and continued and abandoned until I landed on the 'finished' result I liked the most. I don't wanna count on it, but I might wanna remake this drawing in the future. I liked the idea, but my skill just wasn't there yet. There's plenty of Steven Universe fanart ideas that either do not make it to the canvas, and some I'm too lazy (and scared) to finish. This is one I think I can finish now, but who knows-I could abandon it again.
I loved drawing and coloring Rose's hair though! Curls are so difficult for me but I felt they turned out so well. Aside from that I'm super proud of how Pearl's design came out, I do have an idea for Pearl that I wanna draw out, I've been chipping away at another project and I think some good regular art could be a good break from that for a while. But anyways, I want to get more of my traditional art over here. Tested out an old printer a while ago and the scanner was okay--kinda blurry but okay. Hopefully soon I can post some traditional sketches and concepts- there's some drawings of Spinel that I really wanna show cuz I think they turned out really well, but until then see ya.


October 9th, 2023:

An anthro version of Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard from <i>'Our Flag Means Death'</i>, from the scene where they are sitting together eating cooked snake on banana leaves during their treasure hunt.
An anthro version of Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard from 'Our Flag Means Death', from the scene where they are sitting together eating cooked snake on banana leaves during their treasure hunt.

This is the fastest I've ever finished a drawing! I'm super proud of how efficient I was able to sketch, ink and color, and how well the drawing turned out over all. It's almost impossible for me to finish digital art, I guess because I know I can just work on them later. I was also supposed to draw a separate panel with Lucious but I forgot lol, I'll post him later~


October 9th, 2023:

An anthropomorphic wolf sitting on a bright pink couch with blue cushions, a rug with a darker shade below their boots. The anthro wolf is wearing a grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up, along with dark greyish-blue pants and a pair of dark boots. He is staring off in the distance, putting more weight on his left hand than on his right.
An anthropomorphic wolf sitting on a bright pink couch with blue cushions, a rug with a darker shade below their boots. The anthro wolf is wearing a grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up, along with dark greyish-blue pants and a pair of dark boots. He is staring off in the distance, putting more weight on his left hand than on his right.

This piece I drew while I was in a rut, and managed to have fun while making it :) My only issue with it is the pose--it's so boring and stiff. But I'll chock it up to me trying to get back to drawing. And I think I'm in an improving state maybe? For one, my drawing of hands have gotten better, for me it works better if I block out the shapes first-and then I sketch over the shapes later. My second issue would be the shading. I'm still working out how to shade and block stuff in well. And I do like how the pants turned out to some extent, just don't like the colors I used to much--I could also have used more texture, especially in the background. Even a paper texture could make the page pop out, but oh well.
I'm not sure if it's entirely visible, but there is a small hint of texture I tried to use on his left arm, it's not entirely noticible but it was a fun little detail that I want to implement more :D!


Made on: August, 7th, 2023:

Note: I decided to move this painting post from my homepage to the artblog cuz--it's art, ya.

I did some studies using acrylic paint this week! I wanted to improve on painting people, since I usually either draw anthros, fantasy creatures, and styalized people--I realized that my skill when it comes to drawing real people is lacking significantly. To remedy this, I decided to gather references and inspiration, and paint. I found this self-portrait by Joni Mitchell, immediately I knew I had to try and replicate it. And so far, it's getting there?

For reference, here is the original painting.

It's not incredibly similar, but I'm having fun just trying and seeing what works. I wish I had a projector so I could easily discover and change mistakes, I always felt like my faces are askew compared to the references I use. But oh well, I'll see how it goes.


July 15th, 2023

Tom Nook, Isabelle and the Nook twins enjoying a nice sunny day by the river. Tommy is fishing while Timmy is floating gently down the diver on a bright pink flamingo floatie.

Tom Nook, Isabelle and the Nook twins enjoying a nice sunny day by the river. Tommy is fishing while Timmy is floating gently down the diver on a bright pink flamingo floatie.

Whoo this one is finally done~ I've been working on this drawing for a while now, I started around maybe 2 months ago? But it's been on the shelf until this week, I sat down to put some finishing touches and finally I got it to where I like it. Except for Timmy--I think I should have given him some shoulders, but it's all good!
I'm truly amazed on how it all turned out, from the little patches of grass on the bank, to the water and the little ripples and shinies near the fishing rod (rendering the water was a feat on it's own--I was scouring every site I save refs for like wild until I found one that matched what I was going for), to their fur and clothes.
I'm happy with this piece and I reminds me of when my family and I would spend our weekends over summer on a lake.


July 14th, 2023

A drawing of a pale anthropomorphic dog with brown markings on his face. He's wearing a red shirt with a golden dragon. They're leaning against a low-stone wall looking off to the distance.

A drawing of a pale anthropomorphic dog with brown markings on his face. He's wearing a red shirt with a golden dragon. They're leaning against a low-stone wall looking off to the distance.

Yeahh! This is one of my favorite pieces! It was kinda difficult at first finding the right pose and outfit, but it came out so good! (I mean, aside from the clothing folds which I felt I could have done better, but I'm super proud of myself for being able to try a different style of coloring.
It was sooo unexpected how I did the coloring for this drawing. Like, I was experimenting with different shades and using more saturated colors--which I usually have trouble using.


Made on: July 8th, 2023

Three photos of a bright yellow dog lolling out it's tongue, it's face is decorated in colorful patterns. It's yellow, with a bright salmon-pink nose and tongue. It's chops are a deep blue, lined with a more baby-blue color. The ears are a softer, pink. And there is a baby-blue flower beside it's eye--which is looking away from the viewer.

Three photos of a bright yellow dog lolling out it's tongue, it's face is decorated in colorful patterns. It's yellow, with a bright salmon-pink nose and tongue. It's chops are a deep blue, lined with a more baby-blue color. The ears are a softer, pink. And there is a baby-blue flower beside it's eye--which is looking away from the viewer.

I am SO in love with both of these sculpted little dudes! I made this feito in an hour, and had to remake the teeth since some of the started breaking off. But otherwise I loved how it turned out, and I actually felt so excited and happy to make art. I guess I've been doing just one type of medium--and that's 2d art. I forgot that part of being an artist is the freedom to explore other types of creation. Rediscovering how much I loved creating figurines such as this really made me feel alive again!
And yeah he isn't perfect, but I love the textures and colors, and I think the chunkiness really brings it all together. I was inspired by Julian Miholics and his various ceramics. My favorite would be these and I hope to creat something like this soon.


July 7th, 2023

a small, black cat with white skeletal markings holding a small crescent moon between it's paws.
A small, black cat with white skeletal markings holding a small crescent moon between its paws.

Halloween lovers rise!! Ahh this was one ambitious figurine~ I was kinda new to making figurines at the time of making this so it kinda fell apart on some occasions--even after getting better clay! It was supposed to have a longer tail, but I had to improvise after it refused to stay together. But ah! now it's finished and chillin on my desk, I couldn't be prouder of the end result. Usually I have trouble putting my ideas to paper--or clay in this case. But look at her! She's great I lof herrr!


June 23, 2023

a jester-inspired character running across a colorful, and funky background. Their jester-hat is made up of bright purples and pinks--and their bells are different shapes. Their shirt is orange with pink sleaves, with a pink and orange heart in the middle. Their pants are a soft blue color, adorned with the iconic pacman character chasing after three ghosts. Their shoes are different colors--the left facing shoe is blue, while the other is a bright pink. A jester-inspired character happily running across a colorful and funky background. Their jester-hat is made up of bright purples and pinks--and their bells are different shapes. Their shirt is orange with pink sleaves, with a pink and orange heart in the middle. Their pants are a soft blue color, adorned with the iconic pacman character chasing after three ghosts. Their shoes are different colors--the left facing shoe is blue, while the other is a bright pink.

I love how this drawing turned out, I switched to csp on my laptop for the first time ever and was suprised that this turned out as well as it did!

Shout out to Across the Spiderverse for having really cool concept art! I referenced some of Hobie's concept art for the hair, the rest I was inspired by Tacodemuerte's art, I love how flowy and exciting--and energetic each and every piece they make is!

I'm still super proud of this drawing, and I hope to draw something like this again :)


May 6, 2023

A portrait drawing of Yung Christ from the rap duo 'Suicide Boys', the portrait is a mix of photorealism with some outlines on the face. It is a closeup of him driving in a car in front of  a pale greenish-blue background with a group of palm trees out of focus.

A portrait drawing of Yung Christ/$crim from the rap duo 'Suicide Boys', the portrait is a mix of photorealism with some outlines on the face. It is a closeup of him driving in a car in front of a extremely pale greenish-blue background with a group of palm trees out of focus.

This is a redraw of one of my previous attempts to draw this guy :3, for reference--here's my first attempt!

Drawn around 2019.
This was super fun to draw and I got a chance to really test out some new brushes I downloaded but was struggling to apply to my art. Though, the more I kept working at it--the more I came to like, and even embrace the more "painterly" aspect of this piece.


April 8, 2023

Legoshi from Beastars, sitting on a red sofa-a lavish, but overgrown garden behind him. A single red eye peeking behind the curtain of ivy clinging to an old but still functioning fountain.

Legoshi from Beastars, sitting on a red sofa-a lavish, but overgrown garden behind him. A single red eye peeking behind the curtain of ivy clinging to an old but still functioning fountain.

This was my first "experimental" piece, I decided to draw something different after scrolling through my older works, there is an artist by the name of big_squid_man on Instagram and I loved the way they used a limited color pallete, but mostly--I really dig the way they create backgrounds and characters with so much life and detail and I wanted to create something like that myself!


March 27, 2023

Agnes from Animal Crossing sitting relaxed, with her hand placed near a vase with a single flower. She's looking off to the distance.

Agnes from Animal Crossing sitting relaxed, with her hand placed near a vase with a single flower. She's looking off to the distance.

This is an unfinished drawing, and sadly--one I don't like as much.


March 17, 2023

Blue Diamond's room. Starry curtains with golden fringes drape over the overwhelmingly blue background. Three pillars of water spouts reach over Blue Diamond's head. Blue Diamond herself is in the center, her hair is draped over her and is wavering in the water. Her face is weeping. Steven is standing on a tall standing stone looking up at her nervously.

Blue Diamond's room. Starry curtains with golden fringes hang over the overwhelmingly blue background. Three pillars of water spouts reach over Blue Diamond's head. Blue Diamond herself is in the center, her hair is draped over her and is wavering in the water. Her face is weeping. Steven is standing on a tall standing stone looking up at her nervously.

This is also one of my least favorites, I don't know it seems everything I was going for was not there yet. The curtains could a lot more flowy, I think Blue Diamond's face is too stiff and not expressive enough. And the decor--like the trinkets hanging down the right side--are a little too much, the left side of the room doesn't have as much decor.

I might redraw this piece, though I don't think it'll happen--I'm in kind of a rut right now. I hope to push myself out of it soon, there's some more Animal Crossing fanart I've yet to finish.

I don't know exactly what to call this feeling, like apathy? No, more like indifference about my art and drawing in general. I actually get bored sitting behind my computer drawing and painting. And couldn't match the quality of art in my physical sketchbook if I wanted to. And it has me worried. I've been drawing since I was 9, I invested so much of my time, and effort and not to mention, money into making art--only for it to fade one day? I don't want that to happen, I don't want my skill to fizzle out into nothingness just when I was starting to actually see improvment. It feels unfair.

But like I said, hopefully, I can find a way to push myself out of it soon. I can't imagine living life without art.


January 10, 2022

A dark figure sitting beside a table with a lit candlewick. There is a plant in a corner, with a framed photo of two creatures handing beside their head. Their armor is golden and shining, while a dark blue cape is cloaked over their left shoulder and is swallowed by the shadow of the floor.

This here be an old mspaint portrait of an oc of mine. Back when I wanted to include vampires to the world of Bloodsun.